There are several options for how to fund higher education. Some argue for government funding to bear the burden completely. Some push for individuals to pay out of pockets for their own education. What are your views on how higher education should be funded?
I believe that funding should be paid by a mixture of the government and personal expense every now in then people need a little help to pay for higher education and thats when the government comes and helps out but overall who ever wants to gain a higher education is responsible to pay for it to gain it. Roberto Lopez
ReplyDeleteFunding should be paid by personal expense and also with the help from the govt. Most personal expense payers are the ones that are rich and they pay out of their own pocket, but the poor with intelligence need the help from the government to help them pay for college.
ReplyDeleteFunding should be paid by the government, but students should meet expectations. Like having the minimum grade point average of 2.5, no D's or F's, and be a full time student. The reason why I don't agree with funding being paid by individuals is because it is really hard. You will not have time to do your best in assignments and you will be tired during class. With the government paying our schooling we will finish quicker and the money is staying in the state.
ReplyDeleteFunding should be paid by the government and because it's really hard for students to pay for tuition on their own. I think tuition should be paid by the government, but the student should pay for their books and other expenses so they can value the opportunity that they are given to further their education.
ReplyDeleteI believe students and the government should pay for education. All students should recieve some amount of money to help pay. It should be a reward and if students do not fulfill the requirements it should be taken away.
ReplyDeleteFunding should be paid by the government, but they should have requirements to fulfill the help of the government with their education. Every year educations has been raising, and not everybody is able to pay their education. Students who want to continue with their studies, should receive the reward because having the government paying there education should be reward not a need! Those students who do not fulfill the requirements should not be receiving the reward, and it will also be shown by the hard work they commit in their education. Overall, having the government pay the education, it is not only there responsibility. It is also the responsibly of the student to have good grades, therefor the government will not believe that it was just a waste of money.
ReplyDeleteI believe that funding for tuition should be paid by the government, but only for those who need it and meet certain requirements. If students with good grades and financial need are in need of funding for them to receive a higher education, I feel like the government should definitely pay for their tuition. That money that is being given to them is going to not only help our future but also our society.
ReplyDeleteAs the years go on funding for tuition keeps increasing and work force keeps decreasing. What are students supposed to do then if they need money to pay for their tuition and there are no jobs? That is definitely another reason the government should be paying for students tuition. Although the government should be for the students’ tuition, the students should also have good grades, because if a student with bad grades is getting funds for their education most likely it will be just a waste of money.
I wrote my essay on the same topic and I actually liked this topic. I believe the tuition should be paid in a combination of both the government and students. Financial aid is something that is greatly needed for students. The aid should be granted to the students of low income families and mid income families. The amount should vary on how much the student or his family makes. The problem is that tuition is rising every year and students are left with the burden. The financial aid should be given to students with good grades but the problem with that is that in high school we are not taught the way we should be for college level work. This forces students to learn how to read and write for college academics in a short time frame. Student wills pay higher taxes because they get good paying jobs so it gives money to the government to give other students.
ReplyDeleteThe essays need more statistics on how to prove why government should help pay or pay all of the college cost. They make claims but they don’t really support them. Giving a student financial aid money and having them drop out is not always a bad thing. If you look at it from a different perspective you can see it still benefits someone or the school in a different way. Schools are losing money because of the government cuts and if a student does qualify for financial aid, the government would pay some money for that student to attend college, so regardless if the student stays or not, he is providing money for the school. The money is affecting all students that attend the school so it still makes some kind of effect but lacks the future effect of the student getting a good job and paying taxes for the next student to go to college.
Who should fund higher education? Some people believe it is the government’s responsibility to fund higher education while other believe it is the student’s obligation since it is their education. When it comes to funding higher education I believe that it should be a combination of both the government and the students, but students should be able to meet certain expectations. Tuition has dramatically increased throughout the years and it makes it hard for the students and the parents to cover the tuition and books. The government should have another method rather than just rewarding students that come from families of low-income. Students should prove to the governments that they have good grades, have community service, participate in clubs, and have no D’s or F’s. The problem with the governments just handing out money to the people in “need” is because students who have their college paid for do not take it serious opposed to someone who paid for their own college. Students who have their education paid for are more likely to not focus on school and usually slack off and drop out because they are not being forced to go to school. On the other hand, individuals who pay for their education, their focus level tends to go up and become successful. Most students who have money left over from financial aid spend the money on unnecessary things. It is maddening for taxpayers who pay taxes that go to students who do not take their education seriously. Each individual should be responsible for his or her future and should work for it to make the best of it.
ReplyDeleteI believe that tuition should be payed by both the government and the students because this being my first year at attending a college I have come to realize that people put much more effort into their education if money is being taken out of their pockets. All through my first semester of school I have come to meet other students that have had all of their tuition covered by the government and they don't seem to care if they miss class, go late to class, and don't care about getting a bad grade since they have nothing to lose. Don't get me wrong though I have also met other students that really take advantage of getting help from the government and do the best they can.But I still prefer that tuition be paid by both the government and student to assure that the students will try in college.
ReplyDeleteWho should pay for higher education? Funding should come from a combination of goverenment, and student efforts. Some of my peers believe that students should come out of their own pocket to pay for college expenses, but keep in mind that not all students come from the same background where they can afford college.You have three classes of students that derive from 3 aspects of life. You have your wealthy family that can absoultely pay for their childrens college. You then have your middle class that is stuggling to get there children into college because of the tution that continues to be on the rise, sometimes not even being able to afford it because they make enough money to pay bills and etc. but enough to send a child out to college.Then you have the poor class of students, that recieve assistance from the governement. The is the category i fall in, and im grateful that my tutiton was paid for, because i was given a chance to pursue higher education in life. Once again i give the upmost respect for the students that come from a middle class that had to sacrafice alot by taking out loans to recieve a higher education. In conclusion students should put some effort into there expenses for college depending on there finaicial status,but the government should assist students that are underprievedlged and cant afford college. (Alejandro Guzman)
ReplyDeleteI feel that higher education should be payed for by both the governent and students. I think that when students have to pay out of thier own pockets or have to have thier parents take out loans to pay for college. They focus more on school and end up doing better. If the government just payes for everyones education then people won't try as hard because they know it's for free.
ReplyDeleteI feel that the government should fund our college education. But now that we are in an economy that nothing is possible my views have changed. Now I believe that both we and the government should fund for out college education. The government has enough of students attending college and trying to give the same amount of money to each college student.
ReplyDeleteIn the essay I read I found a line that clearly got my attention. “It all goes back to making a solution that higher education should be balanced between the individual and the government because in the end it benefits the world as a whole, not just one person (Funding 1).” I picked this line because it is true, if we and the government pay half of college funds it will help the society as a whole. It will help the society as a whole because every student that is attending college will get the same amount of money and no one would get more help than others.
I dont think that we should put all the weight and responsibility on the goverment to pay for our education. But i do agree that the goverment should help students pay for their education. There are thousands of students attending community and private colleges, state university's and UC's, and it is obvious that the goverment can not pay for every student. I believe that both the students and goverment should pay for school. But sometimes the
ReplyDeletegoverment offers more help or lends their hand to students that dont truly need it all.Sometimes the goverment gives thousands of dollars to students that are only paying a certain amount for school, but are still left with spare money. As a student they are obviously not going to save it, but spend it on things they truly dont need. Im not stating that the goverment should not help students but to give equal amounts to all students.
higher education is your choice to attend so i think that you should make some effort to pay your tution. if you are poor or cant afford it then the government should pay at least half. we cant depend or take advantage of money that the government dont have. so i think both sides should chip in if it is necessary.
ReplyDeleteI believe that higher education should be funded by both the government and the student. I do not think that the government should pay for higher education in full because I feel that students will not value their education as much because they do not have to work to gain it. I also do not think that it is right for the students to have to pay in full for their education because if students cannot pay for their education, there will be less people attending college and less people willing to learn. I believe that with the government and student paying for higher education, things level out and it is fair to both parties. This is the reason why I am going to school. Part of my education is being payed for by the government and part by me. I took out loans and I am grateful that I did not have to take out very much and that part of my education was paid for by the government.(Leah Chilton)
ReplyDeleteI strongly agree that the government should only pay for the ones who can truly not afford to go to school to get an education. Why should the govt. help the middle class who can afford almost about the tuition cost and even the upper class when they can use that waist and use it towards the lower class. Like in essay Funding 3 says, "The government is like the car and we are the driver." You know we can't always rely on the govt. because the point of getting an education is to get a good job so that good job later on can pay off your children's school tuition. We didn't go to school to get poorer, but fight on towards studying to get more salary to boost up our life status.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I knew who wrote tenure 3
he is a great writer in both my ENGLISH AND MDIS CLASS HAHA his name is: Hung Tran
I believe that the government should help for higher education. Although i also agree with the essay I read (8), it should be given to students that value their education and won't just waste the governments money by not doing the best they can in college since they are getting it paid by the government. The money should be given to students that won't take the money for granted and are actually focused on school. I did not know how much money the government contributes to prisons. i think they should contribute less of that money and put it towards education, since like essay 8 said, we are the future not the ones in prison.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the government and ,if possible, the student should pay for higher education. I agree as well with what Kong Vang said "that the government should only pay for the ones who can truly not afford to go to school to get an education." there are students out there who just simply cant afford a higher education, especially in this economy. Many families have lost their homes and are currently trying to find a place to stay or saving all the money possible to purchase a new home or rent one. When this happens parents are not able to help their child pay for a higher education. This leaves the student to rely on government funding , loans and earning money on their own. This is when government should fund for a higher education, especially since sometimes its difficult for the student to find a job today to help pay for their education and as the essay funding 12 states "It is nearly impossible for anyone to get a good job without a type of degree, at the way the economy is today it is extremely hard to get a job without some sort of degree..."
ReplyDeleteI believe that the government should pay for higher education. But the individual who wants that higher education should help as well because even though the government wants everyone to go to college, we really shouldn't depend on the government 100% all the time. There is other means for students to get money to pay for college, for example scholarships, loans, jobs, etc. Now if students want to save money, they can go to a community college and do all of their general education and get over with. Then students can transfer to a California University school and graduate less than two years. Without having to spend the same amount as a four year student. But students should remember that the government will help to some extent. Arturo Melendez
ReplyDeleteThey should students be the ones to pay for your education when you're the one that ones to continue your education. They shouldn't be obligated to pay for those students that want to pursue a higher education. If one wants something then they should work hard and pay for it themselves rather then taking the money of others.
ReplyDeleteGovernment should have a part in helping to fund higher education, specifically for those who come from low income families or whose parents don't possess professional or higher education. They should be given priority from the government in receiving financial aid for their education. In part, individuals who are capable of affording higher education should be willing to pay for their own education without much help from the government. The benefits that come from receiving money from the government are quite equivalent to individuals who pay their own. Either way, money will still have to be issued, regardless of the amount. It may just be a matter of the time it takes to receive or give out the money. As a result, overall, money should be distributed fairly to those who honestly need it.
ReplyDeleteAs I read the funding essay I was thinking of how important it was for students to attend school no matter what the cost is, but turns out in reality sometimes the cost of school does leave students behind and unaffordable. I agree with the concept of why the government should help students in funding college education. Money shouldn't be a problem for students because education should be for everybody not just people with money. If the government decides to help students then the money should be distribute to those who are in need of it and want to attend school.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the government should help pay for a student's higher education. They can help our economy so they can help a student also. Education is the first step to changing a life and giving a person a chance to do what they like. A person with a higher education can be the next person to change the world. So if the government helps a student in the future that same student will give back to the government and make a change.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the government should help students pay for school because some students don't have the money to attend a university and persue a career. If we want a better world we have to start by helping students financially so the wold can have more professionals. By that the students who are in a bad economic status can have a better future. According to the author of the essay Funding 4 "The money has to be earned somewhere and if the student is willing to go to school to further their education and make a difference than they should receive financial aid." So yes the government should continue to give financial aid to students who can afford a higher education. Everyone deserves the opportunity to continue their education.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the government should help pay for high education to those in need. In 2011 we as students are faced with rising tuition cost, and less resources to help pay for college. The government should step in for those who come from a low income household, or student who are paying their own way to college. America is known to be one of the most advanced nation in world. We didn't get here with uneducated people, but we got here by allowing individuals to sharpen their minds, and then impacting our society to give us the intelligent prestige we have now. I believe everybody deserves to have a opportunity to achieve a higher level of education, and in some cases the government help is essential. Ronald W
ReplyDeleteI think that the government should help students pay for a higher education. Going to college is very expensive and many students don't have the resources to continue with it. The government should help those students that demonstrate financial need and desire to continue with their education. If students are awarded money they should value that because there are many students that don't qualify and struggle to pay for their school expenses.